Hey there, my name is

Manuel Muñiz.

I build things to make the web a better place.

I'm a Front-End Developer specialized in building and designing exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I'm learning about the vast world of JavaScript and frameworks such as React.

Let's Talk!

Discover Me

About Me

Hello! My name is Manuel and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet.

My interest in web development started back in 2020 when I discovered Platzi, an online education platform that talked about the world of web development, and since then, my love for the web has been just growing.

Afterwards, I immediately began studying and educating myself on web development. Now, I seek to become a web developer and cannot wait to provide my services and skills to the world. I am always seeking to learn new things and strive for success.


HTML5 Icon


CSS3 Icon


Sass Icon


Bootstrap Icon


Tailwind Icon


JavaScript Icon


Git Icon


GitHub Icon


NPM Icon


MySQL Icon


Jest Icon


Linux Icon


Figma Icon


Illustrator Icon


Some Things I've Built

Rock-Paper-Scissors Preview

GitHub Profile Finder

This application allows you to search for user profiles on the GitHub software development platform. This system uses the GitHub API to access the public information of user profiles where you can find: profile information, public repositories, featured contributions, etc.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, Git, GitHub-API.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Preview

e-Commerce Site

This fictitious eCommerce is an online platform designed to facilitate the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet. This application allows users to carry out commercial transactions online, from browsing and selecting products to the payment and delivery process.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, Git, Jest.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Preview

Rock Paper Scissors

This "Rock Paper Scissors" game is a simple and popular sleight of hand game used for casual decision making or dispute resolution.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, Git.

See more work here

Get In Touch

I'm actively looking for any new job opportunities, so my inbox is always open.

Whether you have a question or just want to say hi,

I'm always available!

Contact Me